Rad Reading-December

In December, I read the book Booked written by Kwame Alexander. Booked is about a boy named Nick who’s parents are going through a divorce, and Nicks life is completely ruined not just because of his parents but two bullies at the school. I really liked the book because in the beginning his life was like a puzzle he had all the pieces but they were all scattered, but at the end he put all the pieces together. My favorite character was his friend Coby, he was always there for Nick when he needs him the most. Coby is a helpful character. One quote to prove this is “I’m sorry Coby says” in other words Coby is apologizing for something he did not do. My favorite quote is. “The river turns, and there’s a lot of world to see”. That’s my favorite quote because that means that there is so much more to the world.

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