Three Wishes

If you have been given three wishes, what would you ask for? I would want 101 billion dollars so I can buy myself anything I want, like cars houses and I wouldn’t just buy stuff for myself I would buy stuff for my friends and family. My second wish would be to have a pet monkey, because he could do anything I want him to do and a can always have a companion by my side so I never feel lonely. My third and final wish would be able to have a 101 foot vertical because that would be very cool since, you can jump around town, be able to escape by one jump, it would help when playing sports since I could dunk on any rim a can rob a home run and if I get my ball stuck in a tree I can jump up and grab it, having a 101 foot vertical would make most of my problems go away. That is what I would wish for if I had three wishes.

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